Top "Code-injection" questions

Code injection is the general term for the result of a missing neutralization or improper neutralization of special elements of externally-influenced input, which could modify the syntax or behavior of the intended code.

CreateRemoteThread returning ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - Windows 7 DLL Injection

I'm trying to write a program that uses CreateRemoteThread to inject a dll. The problem is that CreateRemoteThread is refusing …

winapi dll windows-7 code-injection createremotethread
What is the best way to inject HTML into the DOM with jQuery?

I'm working on a calendar page that allows a user to click on a day, and enter an entry for …

javascript jquery html dom code-injection
PHP Injection Attack - how to best clean up the mess?

Once in a while my shared hosting environment gets compromised because, well, I failed to keep the portfolio of my …

php code-injection
Inject local .js file into a webpage?

I'd like to inject a couple of local .js files into a webpage. I just mean client side, as in …

javascript html code-injection
Easiest way to inject code to all methods and properties that don't have a custom attribute

There are a a lot of questions and answers around AOP in .NET here on Stack Overflow, often mentioning PostSharp …

c# .net aop code-injection
Constructor injection into a base class using autofac

I have an abstract base controller which has a constructor I hoped would be populated by autofac when the controllers …

constructor autofac code-injection abstract
Is replacing : < and > with &lt; and &gt; enough to prevent XSS injection?

I want to know if entiting the two marks < and > is enough to prevent XSS injections? And if …

xss code-injection
Prevent existing CSS from styling injected HTML/CSS

I'm working on a project which injects JS+CSS+HTML over web pages which I do not have control over. …

javascript html css internet-explorer code-injection
Guice Inject Field in class not created by Guice

I have a class like so, that I create myself somewhere in my code: class StarryEyes { @Inject MyValidator validator; public …

java null guice code-injection
ASMX Dependency Injection and IoC

So i have gotten stuck while trying to get my asmx webservice to use dependency injection and using an IoC …

dependencies inversion-of-control asmx code-injection