Top "Code-injection" questions

Code injection is the general term for the result of a missing neutralization or improper neutralization of special elements of externally-influenced input, which could modify the syntax or behavior of the intended code.

Directly sending keystrokes to another process via hooking

I'm wondering, after fiddling with all sorts of issues with SendInput, SendKeys, PostMessage, SendMessage, SendNotifyMessage, keybd_event, etc and so …

c# winapi c#-4.0 code-injection sendmessage
How to safely write JSON data to file using PHP

I've got HTML form for editing images. All data is stored in JSON. When I change current image, I want …

php json file security code-injection
How do I prevent DLL injection

So the other day, I saw this: and it goes over three different …

windows security code-injection
Unsatisfied dependencies for type X with qualifiers @Default

I'm trying to inject an object of a given type (Greeter) on an EJB running inside Wildfly 8.2. However, the deployment …

jakarta-ee cdi code-injection
MySQL Injection - Use SELECT query to UPDATE/DELETE

I've got one easy question: say there is a site with a query like: SELECT id, name, message FROM messages …

mysql security select code-injection sql-delete
Can parameterized statement stop all SQL injection?

If yes, why are there still so many successful SQL injections? Just because some developers are too dumb to use …

sql sql-injection code-injection exploit
Injecting values for static constants in Spring

In one of my classes there is a public static String member and I need set this value in the …

java spring static properties code-injection
How to inject jquery to any webpage

Is there any way to inject jQuery into any page as we do with javascript(from url). with javascript we …

javascript jquery code-injection
Is it possible to get data from HTML forms into android while using webView?

I'm making a very simple form in HTML which is viewed in android using the webview which takes in your …

javascript android webview html-parsing code-injection
Can a php shell be injected into an image? How would this work?

I remember seeing an exploit for an image uploading function, which consisted of hiding malicious php code inside a tiff …

php code-injection