Top "Code-injection" questions

Code injection is the general term for the result of a missing neutralization or improper neutralization of special elements of externally-influenced input, which could modify the syntax or behavior of the intended code.

Angularjs: How to inject dependency from resolve routeProvider

I have a problem injecting resolve parameters from the routing into the controller. I'm setting the resolve value to an …

angularjs routes dependencies code-injection resolve
Injecting code into APK

I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again, but my question is how would you be …

android code-injection apk
How to prevent frame injection (clickjacking) in java application?

How can we prevent frame injection in Java application? Like in a Penetration testing, it is found that if a …

java jsp iframe code-injection clickjacking
Codeigniter application getting hacked, code injected in index.php

I have a codeigniter 2.0.2 project that keeps getting hacked. There are two main issues: Malicious code is being added to …

php security codeigniter codeigniter-2 code-injection
Injecting Log4J loggers with Spring

I have a spring 2.5 webapp with the following web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns="http://…

spring log4j blazeds code-injection
replace <constructor-arg> with Spring Annotation

there is a way to replace constructor-arg with Annotation? I have this constructor: public GenericDAOImpl(Class<T> type) { …

java spring generics annotations code-injection
JSF injection with managed property, good pattern?

I'm quite new to JSF and not really "used" to the different thinking so I'm struggling on what (I assume) …

jsf design-patterns code-injection managed-bean postconstruct
Java ASM Bytecode Modification-Changing method bodies

I have a method of a class in a jar whose body I want to exchange with my own. In …

java classloader code-injection bytecode java-bytecode-asm
AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap - Unable to cast transparent proxy

I'm writing a .NET library to inject managed DLLs into external processes. My current approach is: Use CreateRemoteThread to force …

c# appdomain code-injection
How can I write a function accepting callBack function and run it in a 'safe' way?

I want to write such a function: function doGoodJob(someId, callBackfunction){ // some stuff with someId // todo: RUN callBackFunction here } They …

javascript callback eval code-injection