Guice injection null pointer

user1810567 picture user1810567 · Nov 8, 2012 · Viewed 18.2k times · Source

We try to refactoring a project with Guice. The idea is to bind all the Language interface to a concreate object like French or Polish.

We have a module for binding:

public class StandardModule extends AbstractModule {

    protected void configure() {



And a classe ( that use this injected object :

@Inject Language language;

public AboutDialog(JFrame parent) {
    super(parent, "", true);
    this.parent = parent;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

And we have as result:

java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.jmoney.gui.AboutDialog.<init>(

Line 67 is:


Our interface is:

public interface Language {

    public ResourceBundle getLanguageInUse();

And the Polish class is:

public class Polish implements Language {

    private ResourceBundle languageInUse;

    public Polish() {
        languageInUse = ResourceBundle.getBundle(Constants.LANGUAGE_PL);

    public ResourceBundle getLanguageInUse() {
        return languageInUse;


We are lost...


Jeff Bowman picture Jeff Bowman · Nov 9, 2012

You're using "field injection". This will make it hard to use your injected values in a constructor; even if Guice were to create the object (which is not happening now) or you were to use injector.injectMembers(aboutDialog), the constructor would run before the injector has a chance to inject the field you want.

It's a little more tricky to create a class that takes a varying parameter as well as an injected parameter. This leaves you with a few options:

  • Inject the JFrame. If you know what JFrame you're going to use when the constructor is being created, then just use bind(JFrame.class).toInstance(myJFrame); in your Module. Then Guice can create the AboutDialog entirely.

  • Create a Factory manually. That way you can inject AboutDialog.Factory and just call create to get your AboutDialog. It'll look something like this:

    public class AboutDialog extends JDialog {
      /** Injectable factory. */
      public static class Factory {
        @Inject private Language language;
        public AboutDialog create(JFrame parent) {
          return new AboutDialog(parent, language);
      // no @Inject parameter; you're calling "new" yourself above!
      public AboutDialog(JFrame parent, Language language) {
        super(parent, "", true);
        this.language = language;
        // ... other initialization
  • Create a Factory and let Guice wire it up for you via assisted injection.

    public class AboutDialog extends JDialog {
      public interface Factory {
        public AboutDialog create(JFrame parent);
      // you need the @Inject, and also the @Assisted to tell Guice to
      // use the parameter instead of Guice bindings
      public AboutDialog(@Assisted JFrame parent, Language language) {
        super(parent, "", true);
        this.language = language;
        // ... other initialization
    public class StandardModule extends AbstractModule {
      @Override protected void configure() {
        // here every method in AboutDialog.Factory will be implemented
        // to create the method's return type [AboutDialog] based on
        // the parameters (like JFrame) and the bindings (like Language)
        install(new FactoryModuleBuilder().build(AboutDialog.Factory.class));

As noted in the question comments, make sure you're getting your AboutDialog (or AboutDialog.Factory via an @Injected constructor/field or from the Injector itself, or else Guice will not know to inject the parameters.