Top "Code-formatting" questions

Code formatting is the way to format the source code of programs,using spaces and tabs, improving legibility of source code.

How to beautify Javascript and CSS in Firefox / Firebug?

Is there a way to beautify javascript and css in Firebug? I'd like to be able to view formatted js …

firefox firebug code-formatting
Remove empty lines in Netbeans 7.x

Is there any plugin, macro or built-in function that can remove empty or redundant empty lines in Netbeans 7.2 (PHP bundle, …

php netbeans line-breaks code-formatting
Clang-format line breaks

I'm looking for a clang-format setting to prevent the tool from removing line breaks. For example, I have my ColumnLimit …

c++ clang code-formatting clang-format
SQL string formatter

Does anyone know of a program, a utility, or some programmatic library, preferably for Linux, that takes an unformatted SQL …

sql linux formatting code-formatting
How do I configure autoformatting in Eclipse?

I dislike how auto format messes up empty cycle body, like: Before for (int i = 0; isTest(i); i++); After for (…

java eclipse code-formatting code-standards
How to config intellij-idea not format some part of the code?

In a html file, there is some code used custom template-language: <script type="text/javascript"> function ($scope, JsRoutes) { $…

intellij-idea code-formatting
Enabling IntelliJ's fancy ≠ (not equal to) operator

I witnessed this in the GOTO 2016 • Kotlin - Ready for Production conference by Hadi Hariri. In some of his code, …

intellij-idea formatting equals code-formatting
How to create an Intellij and Eclipse compatible code style and code formatting configuration (for java code)?

Few weeks ago I tried Intellij and I found it really awesome. Now, at my project there are two programmers (…

eclipse coding-style code-formatting intellij-idea
What's the difference between prettier-eslint, eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-config-prettier?

I want to use Prettier and ESLint together, but I experienced some conflicts just by using them one after another. …

javascript ecmascript-6 eslint code-formatting prettier
Eclipse formatter adds space in empty comment lines

The eclipse code formatter adds a trailing space in each empty Javadoc comment line (see screenshot). The formatter of a …

eclipse javadoc code-formatting