Top "Code-standards" questions

*Coding standards*, or *coding conventions*, are sets of rules or guidelines designed to govern the process of code production in a software project.

How to use @Nullable and @Nonnull annotations more effectively?

I can see that @Nullable and @Nonnull annotations could be helpful in preventing NullPointerExceptions but they do not propagate very …

java annotations nullpointerexception nullable code-standards
Eclipse: Can you format code on save?

In Eclipse, under Windows -> Preference -> Java -> Code Style, you can define code templates for …

eclipse code-formatting code-standards
How do I modify Eclipse code formatting?

When I reformat code with Eclipse, it turns method headers like this: public void myMethod(String param) { into method headers …

java eclipse code-formatting code-standards
How to customize Eclipse's text editor code formatting

How can I set my Eclipse's code formatter to allow code rows longer than 80 characters. I know that very long …

eclipse code-formatting code-standards
jQuery Standards and Best Practice

I’m currently responsible for rolling out the use of jQuery to the community of Web Developers within our company. …

javascript jquery code-standards
jQuery best practices in case of $('document').ready

I was researching on jQuery best practices and found this article by Greg Franko Normally, I do: $("document").ready(function() { // …

javascript jquery design-patterns code-standards
How do I configure autoformatting in Eclipse?

I dislike how auto format messes up empty cycle body, like: Before for (int i = 0; isTest(i); i++); After for (…

java eclipse code-formatting code-standards
Rails: how to add a header to every page

What is the standard way to add a header and footer to every view in a Rails app?

ruby-on-rails header footer code-standards
How to sort imports alphabetically for TypeScript files automatically in WebStorm / PhpStorm?

I use tslint with default config tslint:recommended and I want to adapt as less rules as possible. Certain rules …

typescript phpstorm webstorm tslint code-standards