Top "Code-formatting" questions

Code formatting is the way to format the source code of programs,using spaces and tabs, improving legibility of source code.

How to use code formatter in Xcode for Swift?

Xcode code formatter Swift I'm trying to auto format my code written in Swift. It's necessary if you're working in …

xcode swift code-formatting
How to format code in Visual Studio Code on Windows

How can I format code in Visual Studio Code in the last update on Windows. I tried Ctrl+ K, Ctrl + …

code-formatting visual-studio-code
What is the correct way to break a line of Perl code into two?

$ cat use strict; use warnings; print "1\n"; print "hello, world\n"; print "2\n"; print "hello, world\n"; print "3\…

perl code-formatting
Notepad++/Eclipse sql code auto-indent option?

DDL gets especially ugly. Is there any option of SQL auto-indenting for Notepad++? I've tried to do it in Eclipse, …

sql eclipse notepad++ code-formatting
How to replace all tab characters in a file by sequences of white-spaces in intellij?

Given a file in my project, I want to be able to replace all of the tab characters in the …

intellij-idea indentation code-formatting
How do I set up VSCode to put curly braces on a new line?

Let's say I type in the following code and format it. if (condition) { /* Hello! */ } If this is C# code, it …

javascript formatting code-formatting visual-studio-code
How do I modify Eclipse code formatting?

When I reformat code with Eclipse, it turns method headers like this: public void myMethod(String param) { into method headers …

java eclipse code-formatting code-standards
Declaring a looooong single line string in C#

Is there a decent way to declare a long single line string in C#, such that it isn't impossible to …

c# string coding-style code-formatting
IntelliJ IDEA code format from checkstyle configuration

I've decided to contribute to android maven plugin. They use quite specific code style format. It will take some time …

intellij-idea code-formatting checkstyle
How can I format PHP files with HTML markup in Visual Studio Code?

I'm using Laravel so all the views are .blade.php files. Visual Studio Code won't format the HTML because of …

php laravel visual-studio-code code-formatting