Top "Code-formatting" questions

Code formatting is the way to format the source code of programs,using spaces and tabs, improving legibility of source code.

Is it possible to format C++ code with VIM?

I am rather new to VIM. I got some source code and this is a mess. At a first sight …

vim code-formatting
Delphi code formatter

Are there any utilities that reformat Delphi code ? EDIT I am using Delphi 2006 Some feedback Thanks to all that answered …

delphi code-formatting delphi-2006
Intellij-IDEA: How to sort members alphabetically?

I am using Intellij-IDEA 12. Most of team mates use Eclipse and while saving it sorts members automatically first based on …

intellij-idea code-formatting
notepad++ tab to left

If I press tab the line moves to right, what I must press to move line to left?

notepad++ code-formatting key-bindings
Code Formatting In Xcode

Is there anyway to format the code in Xcode like you can do in Eclipse or Netbenas. I have not …

xcode code-formatting
Printing code with syntax highlighting?

I have occasion to need to print code (Horrors!!! ;) ), and i was wondering what editor or tool would i use …

printing language-agnostic code-formatting
Python "best formatting practice" for lists, dictionary, etc

I have been looking over the Python documentation for code formatting best practice for large lists and dictionaries, for example, …

python code-formatting
indent python file (with pydev) in eclipse

I'm a newbie in eclipse. I want to indent all the lines of my code and formatting the open file …

python eclipse pydev code-formatting indentation
Turn off Eclipse formatter for selected code area?

When I ctrl+shift+f up the project code, its doing its job just fine, everywhere. But its messing the …

java eclipse code-formatting
Why does HTML5 recommend putting the code element inside pre?

The HTML5 documentation recommends putting the code element inside the pre element, but I don't understand how this is better …

html css code-formatting