Top "Prettier" questions

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Markdown, and other languages.

Why do I keep getting Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier]?

I am using vscode with Prettier 1.7.2 and Eslint 1.7.0. After every newline I get: [eslint] Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier] This is …

reactjs visual-studio-code prettier eslintrc
Why Prettier does not format code in VSCODE?

In my Nuxt application where ESlint and Prettier are installed and enabled, I switched to Visual Studio Code editor. When …

javascript vue.js visual-studio-code nuxt.js prettier
How do I stop prettier from formatting HTML files?

So the problem is that prettier does not format html very well. for instance if I have this angular template: &…

html prettier
prettier settings for vscode

I recently switched to a new computer, and am having difficulty with a prettier setting. (I think it's prettier, could …

visual-studio-code eslint vscode-settings prettier
lint-staged not running on precommit

prettier is not running on precommit. This worked with the same configuration in other projects, so I'm baffled why it's …

javascript git pre-commit-hook prettier lint-staged
How to fix 'Static HTML elements with event handlers require a role.'?

My reactjs styledcomponent contains this code: <a styling="link" onClick={() => this.gotoLink()}> <SomeComponent /> </a&…

reactjs eslint styled-components prettier
Prettier + Airbnb's ESLint config

Recently, I've started using Visual Studio Code for my editor and found the Prettier - JavaScript formatter. I think it's …

javascript visual-studio eslint eslint-config-airbnb prettier
Prettier not formatting HTML files in VS Code

Prettier extension on my VS code is unable to format HTML. On load of VS code I am getting this …

visual-studio-code prettier
How to remove semicolons in prettier?

I am using the VS Code prettier plugin to format my code, how can I add a setting to not …

javascript reactjs ecmascript-6 prettier
How to configure eslint with nodejs express application

js application. I need to use eslint for this application. I am using and …

javascript node.js eslint eslint-config-airbnb prettier