Top "Clojure" questions

Clojure is a modern Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine (with versions for the CLR and JavaScript).

Calling clojure from java

Most of the top google hits for "calling clojure from java" are outdated and recommend using clojure.lang.RT to …

java clojure clojure-java-interop
In Clojure is there an easy way to convert between list types?

I am often finding myself using a lazy list when I want a vector, and vice versa. Also, sometimes I …

What is the best way to do GUIs in Clojure?

What is the best way to do GUIs in Clojure? Is there an example of some functional Swing or SWT …

java user-interface lisp clojure
Debugging in Clojure?

What are best ways to Debug Clojure code, while using the repl?

debugging clojure
How to convert lazy sequence to non-lazy in Clojure

I tried the following in Clojure, expecting to have the class of a non-lazy sequence returned: (.getClass (doall (take 3 (repeatedly …

clojure lazy-evaluation
Clojure vs other Lisps

The intent of my question is not to start a flame war, but rather to determine in what circumstances each …

clojure comparison lisp scheme common-lisp
Calculating the Moving Average of a List

This weekend I decided to try my hand at some Scala and Clojure. I'm proficient with object oriented programming, and …

scala functional-programming clojure
leiningen - how to add dependencies for local jars?

I want to use leiningen to build and develop my clojure project. Is there a way to modify project.clj …

java build clojure maven leiningen
Haskell, Scala, Clojure, what to choose for high performance pattern matching and concurrency

I have started work on FP recently after reading a lot of blogs and posts about advantages of FP for …

scala haskell clojure programming-languages ocaml
How can I merge two sequences in clojure?

What is an idiomatic way to merge (or retrieve the union of) two lists (or sequences) in Clojure? (merge l1 …

clojure sequences