I want to use leiningen to build and develop my clojure project. Is there a way to modify project.clj to tell it to pick some jars from local directories?
I have some proprietary jars that cannot be uploaded to public repos.
Also, can leiningen be used to maintain a "lib" directory for clojure projects? If a bunch of my clojure projects share the same jars, I don't want to maintain a separate copy for each of them.
Just use :resource-paths in your project.clj file. I use it, e.g. to connect to Siebel servers. Just created a resources directory in my project directory and copied the jar files in there. But of course you could use a more generic directory:
(defproject test-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Blah blah blah"
:resource-paths ["resources/Siebel.jar" "resources/SiebelJI_enu.jar"])
Then from the lein repl I can create Siebel Data Bean instances, e.g.
(def sbl (com.siebel.data.SiebelDataBean.))
(.login sbl "siebelServer" "user" "password")
If you have a newer Java version you can of course use wildcards in your path specification like this for a more general directory:
:resource-paths ["/tmp/SiebelJars/*"]