Top "Clojure" questions

Clojure is a modern Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine (with versions for the CLR and JavaScript).

How do I get a Unix Timestamp in Clojure?

I want to know what the current timestamp is. The best I can do thus far is define my own …

clojure timestamp unix-timestamp
Clojure - named arguments

Does Clojure have named arguments? If so, can you please provide a small example of it?

Let vs. Binding in Clojure

I understand that they're different since one works for setting *compile-path* and one doesn't. However, I need help with why …

binding clojure let
Pattern matching functions in Clojure?

I have used erlang in the past and it has some really useful things like pattern matching functions or "function …

clojure design-patterns matching
When should I use Datomic?

I'm intrigued in the database service Datomic, but I'm not sure if it fits the needs of the projects I …

database database-design clojure datomic
What is the difference between Lisp-1 and Lisp-2?

I have tried to understand the difference between Lisp-1 and Lisp-2 and how this relates to Clojure but I still …

clojure lisp lisp-2
Clojure: Simple factorial causes stack overflow

What am I doing wrong? Simple recursion a few thousand calls deep throws a StackOverflowError. If the limit of Clojure …

recursion clojure stack-overflow
Unable to resolve symbol when running code using Leiningen

I'm using Leiningen (for the first time) to manage an app my writing. So far I've defined the project dependencies, …

clojure leiningen
How to map clojure code to and from JSON?

I have a crazy idea, which involves putting some clojure code into CouchDB and writing views that query it. I …

json clojure lisp couchdb
Simple explanation of clojure protocols

I'm trying to understand clojure protocols and what problem they are supposed to solve. Does anyone have a clear explanation …

clojure protocols