Top "Clojure" questions

Clojure is a modern Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine (with versions for the CLR and JavaScript).

Which Lisp should I learn?

Which Lisp (dialect) should I learn, and why? The fragmentation between CL and Scheme slows uptake (at least for me!). …

lisp clojure scheme
Clojure: reduce vs. apply

I understand the conceptual difference between reduce and apply: (reduce + (list 1 2 3 4 5)) ; translates to: (+ (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) 5) (apply + (list 1 2 3 4 5)) ; translates to: (+ 1 2 3 4 5) However, which one …

How can I make nrepl-ritz-jack-in work remotely over TRAMP / Emacs

What I want: I have a clojure program on a remote site, let's call it mccarthy. What I want to …

emacs clojure nrepl
Can someone explain Clojure Transducers to me in Simple terms?

I have tried reading up on this but I still don't understand the value of them or what they replace. …

clojure transducer
Clojure on Android

Is it possible to program Android apps in Clojure? Can anybody suggest a good tutorial or book, if it is …

android clojure
Can I clean the repl?

I have played with a lot of code in a repl console, how can I clear it? I would like …

clojure read-eval-print-loop
Run tests from Clojure Repl and Leiningen

As a newbie to clojure, I have used leiningen to create a sample project with lein new app first-project which …

clojure leiningen
How can I get the methods of a Java class from Clojure?

How can I get the methods of a Java class from Clojure?

Installing leiningen 2 on Ubuntu

I have followed the instructions here: To install from the lein script. I now have: ~/.lein/self-installs/leiningen-2.4.3…

clojure leiningen
Clojure : loading dependencies at the REPL

I recently learned (thanks to technomancy) that, at the REPL --- This fails: user=> (:require [clojure.set :as set]) …

clojure read-eval-print-loop