Let vs. Binding in Clojure

Carl picture Carl · Oct 6, 2009 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

I understand that they're different since one works for setting *compile-path* and one doesn't. However, I need help with why they're different.

let creates a new scope with the given bindings, but binding...?


Brian Carper picture Brian Carper · Oct 6, 2009

let creates a lexically scoped immutable alias for some value. binding creates a dynamically scoped binding for some Var.

Dynamic binding means that the code inside your binding form and any code which that code calls (even if not in the local lexical scope) will see the new binding.


user> (def ^:dynamic x 0)

binding actually creates a dynamic binding for a Var but let only shadows the var with a local alias:

user> (binding [x 1] (var-get #'x))
user> (let [x 1] (var-get #'x))

binding can use qualified names (since it operates on Vars) and let can't:

user> (binding [user/x 1] (var-get #'x))
user> (let [user/x 1] (var-get #'x))
; Evaluation aborted.
;; Can't let qualified name: user/x

let-introduced bindings are not mutable. binding-introduced bindings are thread-locally mutable:

user> (binding [x 1] (set! x 2) x)
user> (let [x 1] (set! x 2) x)
; Evaluation aborted.
;; Invalid assignment target

Lexical vs. dynamic binding:

user> (defn foo [] (println x))
user> (binding [x 1] (foo))
user> (let [x 1] (foo))

See also Vars, let.