Top "Clojure" questions

Clojure is a modern Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine (with versions for the CLR and JavaScript).

How do I find the index of an item in a vector?

Any ideas what ???? should be? Is there a built in? What would be the best way to accomplish this task? (…

How to create default value for function argument in Clojure

I come with this: (defn string->integer [str & [base]] (Integer/parseInt str (if (nil? base) 10 base))) (string->…

function clojure default-value optional-parameters
What is Clojure useful for?

What real world applications are people using Clojure for? I use Groovy for glue stuff, Java for big systems, Python/…

How to Iterate over Map Keys and Values in Clojure?

I have the following map which I want to iterate: (def db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" :subprotocol "mysql" :subname "//…

What's the easiest way to parse numbers in clojure?

I've been using java to parse numbers, e.g. (. Integer parseInt numberString) Is there a more clojuriffic way that would …

Mapping a function on the values of a map in Clojure

I want to transform one map of values to another map with the same keys but with a function applied …

dictionary clojure map-function
How to make a Clojure function take a variable number of parameters?

I'm learning Clojure and I'm trying to define a function that take a variable number of parameters (a variadic function) …

function clojure lisp procedure
How to do exponentiation in clojure?

How can I do exponentiation in clojure? For now I'm only needing integer exponentiation, but the question goes for fractions …

clojure exponentiation
Put an element to the tail of a collection

I find myself doing a lot of: (concat coll [e]) where coll is a collection and e a single element. …

collections clojure
Clojure not nil check

In Clojure nil? checks for nil. How does one check for not nil? I want to do the Clojure equivalent …
