A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes in Java.
If I have a inner class declaration such as: Class A { public static class B { } } followed by: Class<?> …
java classloaderI'm running a GWT+Hibernate app on Glassfish 3.1. After a few hours, I run out of Permgen space. This is …
java memory-leaks classloader glassfish-3 permgenWhile playing with classloaders i got the following exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: xxx.Singleton cannot be …
java jvm classloader scjpI am creating a JUnit TestCase for a project which needs to load a configuration file during initialization. This configuration …
java junit classloader getresourceI think this is a situation every Java programmer runs into if they do it long enough. You're doing some …
java debugging classloaderI have a method which is actually a scheduler which runs a process in every one hour and create a …
java static classloader application-lifecycleThis is a common problem. I'm using 2 libraries A.jar and B.jar and these depend on different versions of …
java jar dependencies classloader versionsHow can I add JDBC drivers at runtime to Jython? Using CLASSPATH works, but using sys.path doesn't work with …
jdbc jython classloaderSo as of yesterday morning I hadn't a clue as to what OSGi even was. OSGi was just some buzzword …
java osgi classloader java-platform-module-systemBasically, I am trying to write something that lists every class loaded by the JVM. What I wrote works, but …
java jvm classloader javaagents