Top "Java-platform-module-system" questions

Project Jigsaw aims to design and implement a standard module system for the Java SE platform.

what is an illegal reflective access

There are a lot of questions around about illegal reflective access in Java 9. Now what I can't find because all …

java java-9 java-module java-platform-module-system
Unable to export a package from java.base module

Using IDEA-EAP for JDK9 development experiments. I am getting the following error - Error:(3, 20) java: package jdk.internal.misc is …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system java-module module-info
Eclipse - module not found when adding

I have a simple hello world project in eclipse that I want to run with java 9. The program runs when …

java eclipse java-9 java-platform-module-system
RuntimeException: Package jdk.internal.jimage.decompressor in module jrt.fs and module java.base

Component Details - Using IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 CE and jdk-9-ea+154 main() - Set<String> set2 = Set.of("a", "…

java intellij-idea java-9 java-platform-module-system intellij-17
Why project Jigsaw / JPMS?

Java's package management system always seemed simple and effective to me. It is heavily used by the JDK itself. We …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system
Java 11: Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath

I have a little project which does throw an exception when i let it run. The problem is here (TestObject.…

java java-11 java-platform-module-system
Package conflicts with automatic modules in Java 9

With Java 9 on the close horizon I thought it would be a good learning exercise to port some of my …

java compiler-errors java-9 java-module java-platform-module-system
What's the difference between --add-exports and --add-opens in Java 9?

Java 9 (jdk-9+170) does not allow by default an application to see all classes from the JDK, unlike all previous versions …

java command-line-arguments java-9 java-platform-module-system java-module
Why did Java 9 introduce the JMOD file format?

Java 9 has three ways to package compiled code in files: JAR JMOD JIMAGE JIMAGE is optimized for speed and space …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system jmod
How to express dependency in maven on java ee features for transition to Java 9?

We use maven and have artifacts that in turn depend on other internal artifacts. I am in the process of …

java maven jaxb java-9 java-platform-module-system