Top "Java-platform-module-system" questions

Project Jigsaw aims to design and implement a standard module system for the Java SE platform.

Accessing resource files from external modules

So far until non-modularized java, you would simply put a file in src/main/java/resources make sure it is …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system
Loading classes and resources in Java 9

I was reading this article on InfoQ quoting Reinhold: Developers can still use the Java class path in Java 9 for …

java spring-boot java-9 java-platform-module-system module-path
How is Java 8 modules different from OSGi?

Java 8 with Project Jigsaw brings a module system to the SDK. I see it as a good thing as it's …

java module osgi java-platform-module-system
OSGi, Java Modularity and Jigsaw

So as of yesterday morning I hadn't a clue as to what OSGi even was. OSGi was just some buzzword …

java osgi classloader java-platform-module-system
Unrecognized option: -modulepath

Is anyone else having this issue when they run the module it complains about this in java 9 mac version? Below …

java java-platform-module-system module-path
Project Jigsaw vs Maven

From Jigsaw Project: Make it easier for developers to construct and maintain libraries and large applications, for both the Java …

maven java-9 java-platform-module-system
Exporting a package from system module is not allowed with --release

I have the following program: module a { } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { …

java javac java-9 java-platform-module-system
Package accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>

When trying to register an MBean in JMX Console I'm getting the following error message: The package is …

java jakarta-ee jmx java-platform-module-system
How to use sun.reflect package in jdk9/java-9?

I am using jdk-9 and I want to use sun.reflect.* package in my code but I am getting the …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system
What is an automatic module?

Automatic modules are mentioned many times on stackoverflow but I couldn't find a complete, succinct and self-sufficient definition of an …

java java-9 java-platform-module-system java-module