Top "Classloader" questions

A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes in Java.

migration to JBoss 5.1 - Failed to create a new SAX parser

I am trying to deploy my application (packed in .war file) that work properly on JBoss 4.2.3 to JBoss 5.1 (using java 5). …

jboss migration classloader isolation
Classloader vulnerability reproducing procedure in struts 1.1

In Struts1, I heard that there is a classloader vulnerability issue which is cause by CVE-2014-0114. But I am …

security jboss classloader struts-1 reproducible-research
When does the JVM load classes?

Assume I have the following class: class Caller { public void createSomething() { new Something(); } } Would executing this line: static void main() { …

java reflection jvm classloader
What does the sun.reflect.CallerSensitive annotation mean?

What is implied by @CallerSensitive annotation above methods? For example,the annotation is present in getClassLoader method of Class @CallerSensitive …

java class security reflection classloader
What is the use of Custom Class Loader

Recently I came accross the java custom class loader api. I found one use over here, kamranzafar's blog I am …

java classloader
Configure org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender with custom classloader

I have a java class which creates a custom classloader based on javassist class loader on start up and then …

java log4j classloader javassist
ClassNotFoundException even though the jar containing the class is properly present in the classpath

I'm configuring a new project in eclipse. my project has many modules including one of them named eas.core. to …

java eclipse exception classloader classnotfoundexception
sysLoader.getResource() problem in java

I am having following lines of code. sysLoader = (URLClassLoader)Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); url = sysLoader.getResource("tempFile.txt"); It is giving …

java url classloader
How to check whether a class is initialized?

You'll probably ask, why would I want to do that - it's because I'm using a class (from an external …

java classloader static-initializer
Custom ClassLoader, how to use?

I am trying to use a custom class loader to load all the dependencies needed for the application. I've implemented …

java classloader dynamic-class-loaders