I'm developing android applications for a while, and followed a lot of posts about activity life cycle, and application's life …
android activity-lifecycle ondestroy application-lifecycleI want to check if the app is running in the background. In: locationManagerDidUpdateLocation { if(app is runing in background){ …
ios objective-c uiapplicationdelegate application-lifecycle ios-background-modeI'm working on a fairly complex Android application that requires a somewhat large amount of data about the application (I'd …
android application-lifecycleIn my Android application, I have a DefaultApplication class which extends android.app.Application, and in its onCreate() I bind …
android-activity oncreate application-lifecycle androidI have a problem with my app. It has a lot of activities. Two of them have google map views. …
android google-maps application-lifecycleI have a broadcast receiver Which is registered in the onCreate() method of Android Applcation class but How to unRegister …
java android android-lifecycle application-lifecycleI have a method which is actually a scheduler which runs a process in every one hour and create a …
java static classloader application-lifecyclefunc application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification data: [NSObject : AnyObject]) { var dat = JSON(data) if application.applicationState == UIApplicationState.Active { // app was already …
ios swift lifecycle appdelegate application-lifecycleI'm using applicationWillTerminate: to save some last-minute stuff. But the problem is that it never gets called. If I do …
ios cocoa-touch uiapplicationdelegate application-lifecycleHow to finish the application on HOME button click?
android application-lifecycle