Top "Ios-background-mode" questions

Periodic iOS background location updates

I'm writing an application that requires background location updates with high accuracy and low frequency. The solution seems to be …

ios objective-c core-location background-task ios-background-mode
Is there any way to check if iOS app is in background?

I want to check if the app is running in the background. In: locationManagerDidUpdateLocation { if(app is runing in background){ …

ios objective-c uiapplicationdelegate application-lifecycle ios-background-mode
Background Location Services not working in iOS 7

I've recently upgraded my iOS devices to use iOS 7. One of the apps that we're developing uses background location services …

ios objective-c ios7 core-location ios-background-mode
Xcode 11 - What is the new "Background Processing" Background Mode?

In XCode 11, there is a new Background Mode, "Background Processing". I cannot find any information on what this new Background …

ios xcode background-process xcode11 ios-background-mode