Top "Calayer" questions

CALayer is a Core Animation class in the Quartz Core framework.

CoreAnimation - Opacity Fade In and Out Animation Not Working

I'm attempting to create a fairly simple CoreAnimation for use in an AVComposition. My goal is to create a CALayer …

ios core-animation avfoundation calayer cakeyframeanimation
Center custom UIView vertically and horizontally using Auto Layout

I'm trying to build a rather simple animated custom UI using the Auto Layout API newly available iOS 6. The custom …

ios cocoa-touch uiview calayer autolayout
Rotating a CALayer 90 degrees?

How do I rotate a CALayer 90 degrees? I need to rotate everything include sublayers and the coordinate system.

objective-c core-animation calayer
Draw circle with UIBezierPath

I'm trying to draw a circle using UIBezierPath addArcWithCenter method : UIBezierPath *bezierPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(0., 0., 100., 100.)]; [bezierPath addArcWithCenter:center radius:0. startAngle:0 …

objective-c calayer cashapelayer cabasicanimation
UILabel layer cornerRadius negatively impacting performance

I've created a document view which displays the page number in the corner. The page number is a uilabel with …

ios uiview uilabel calayer
How to get text in a CATextLayer to be clear

I've made a CALayer with an added CATextLayer and the text comes out blurry. In the docs, they talk about "…

text ios core-animation calayer
UICollectionViewCell with rounded corners AND drop shadow not working

I want my UICollectionViewCells to have rounded corners and drop shadows but I have run into a problem where it …

ios objective-c calayer uicollectionviewcell
What does "Receiver type 'CALayer' for instance message is a forward declaration" mean here?

I'm porting a block of code from an iOS4 project to iOS5 and I'm having some troubles with ARC. The …

objective-c ios core-animation calayer automatic-ref-counting
How to do transforms on a CALayer?

Before writing this question, I've had experience with Affine transforms for views read the Transforms documentation in the Quartz 2D …

ios swift transform calayer
iOS Core Animation: CALayer bringSublayerToFront?

How do I bring a CALayer sublayer to the front of all sublayers, analogous to -[UIView bringSubviewToFront]?

iphone objective-c ios core-animation calayer