Top "Calayer" questions

CALayer is a Core Animation class in the Quartz Core framework.

Iphone How to make context background transparent?

CALayer *sublayer = [CALayer layer]; /*sublayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor].CGColor; sublayer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, 3); sublayer.shadowRadius = 5.0; sublayer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor; sublayer.…

ios iphone drawing calayer cgcontext
SpringWithDamping for CALayer animations?

After playing around a lot with the UIView dynamic animations introduced in iOS 7, most notably: [UIView animateWithDuration: delay: usingSpringWithDamping: initialSpringVelocity: …

ios objective-c animation uiview calayer
Animating a custom property of CALayer subclass

I have a CALayer subclass, MyLayer, that has a NSInteger property called myInt. I'd really like to animate this property …

iphone core-animation calayer
CAEmitterLayer how to emit for a short time repeatedly

I'm playing around with CAEmitterLayer and I face some problems now :( I need a short particle effect - like a …

ios uiview core-animation calayer caemitterlayer
Make NSView NOT clip subviews outside of its bounds

Is it possible to make an NSView not clip its subviews that are outside of the bounds? On iOS I …

objective-c cocoa calayer nsview clip
how to set CATextLayer text vertical position?

I create UILabel and CATextLayer in my app using following code - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.textLabel = [[UILabel alloc] …

ios uilabel calayer catextlayer
When do I need to set the contentsScale property of a CALayer?

In the documentation Apple states that you need to consider the scale factor of a layer when it: Creates additional …

ios objective-c macos calayer
CALayer - Place sublayer below storyboard UIButtons?

I've got a view controller in my storyboard with several UIButtons. One of them activates an AVFoundation camera preview layer …

ios uibutton avfoundation calayer avcapturesession
CATransaction setting animation duration not working

I am learning Core Animation and trying out sample examples. When I use the following code, the animation duration works @…

ios opengl-es core-animation calayer viewdidload
Saving UIView contents in iOS 4 with real size of the images inside (i.e. scale contentes up for save)

I have an UIView with many UIImageViews as subviews. The app runs on iOS4 and I use images with retina …

iphone uiview ios4 calayer retina-display