Top "Calayer" questions

CALayer is a Core Animation class in the Quartz Core framework.

remove subview of uiwindow?

i want to remove a view from uiwindow,so i nslog in appdelegate method,it says window's subviews count as …

ios ios5 window calayer subview
Using CALayer Delegate

I have a UIView whose layers will have sublayers. I'd like to assign delegates for each of those sublayers, so …

iphone calayer
CALayer - Shadow causes a performance hit?

So I am doing some custom animations on my navigationcontroller and the way it pushes and pops the viewControllers. Everything …

iphone ios uinavigationcontroller calayer shadow
composite colors: CALayer and blend mode on iPhone

I'm trying to use core image on the iphone. I'm able to composite my colors using quartz to draw an …

iphone calayer blend mode
How to Animate a UIBezierPath

i would like to animate a UIBezierPath of a rect to a triangle one, not to animate a view on …

objective-c animation calayer cgpath uibezierpath
How to get touch event on a CALayer?

I'm new to the iPhone SDK. Right now I'm programming with CALayers which I really like a lot – not as …

iphone events touch calayer
How to render view into image faster?

I'm making magnifier app, which allows an user touch the screen and move his finger, there will be a magnifier …

ios ios6 uiview core-graphics calayer
How do I create a circle with CALayer?

I have the code below tested, but when I give it constraints it becomes a little small circle: override func …

swift calayer
Animation for drawRect drawings

A part of my app is a statistics-function. I draw in a UIView a path and fill it with a …

ios animation calayer drawrect
Shadow not showing when background color is clear color

I've created an uiview in my xib with background color as clear color. When I apply the shadow on the …

ios calayer