Top "Bukkit" questions

Bukkit is a free, open-source variant of the vanilla Minecraft server that allows programmers to extend it using plugins written in Java.

Java ArrayList IndexOutOfBoundsException Index: 1, Size: 1

I'm attempting to read a certain file in Java and make it into a multidimensional array. Whenever I read a …

java arrays file arraylist bukkit
IllegalArgumentException: Bound must be positive

I get an error saying that my bound must be positive. Here is the line I get it on: inv.…

java random bukkit illegalargumentexception
Should a database connection stay open all the time or only be opened when needed?

I have a bukkit plugin (minecraft) that requires a connection to the database. Should a database connection stay open all …

java mysql jdbc bukkit
Check if Object exists in ArrayList in Java

I have the following List of objects: private List<Object> teamlist = new ArrayList<Object>(); And I'm …

java object arraylist bukkit
ClassNotFoundException on org.apache.http.ssl.TrustStrategy

I'm trying to run a plugin that makes HTTP/HTTPS POST requests. On it its declared the needed dependencies, that …

java httpclient apache-httpclient-4.x minecraft bukkit
Is there a way to attach data to a Bukkit ItemStack?

Ok, I am trying to attach data to a Minecraft Bukkit ItemStack. I would like it so the entity that …

java module minecraft bukkit
How to make a function be called every 2 ticks

I'm making a bukkit plugin for my friend, and I want to find out how to call a function every 2 …

java repeat bukkit
Bukkit remove item from inventory

I am trying to check to see if a player has an item in their inventory, and remove one of …

java minecraft bukkit
How do I change the server of a player Bungeecord

I was wondering how I can move the target server of the player I dont have any code so far …

java minecraft bukkit bungeecord
Get all nodes under YAML path

I have a YAML file that looks like this: Main: topofhouse: x: 276.4375 y: 71.0 z: -60.5 yaw: -290.7768 pitch: 35.400017 2ndfloor: x: 276.5 …

java yaml bukkit