Check if Object exists in ArrayList in Java

Martin Hoffmann picture Martin Hoffmann · Oct 25, 2015 · Viewed 21.6k times · Source

I have the following List of objects:

private List<Object> teamlist = new ArrayList<Object>();

And I'm adding objects to the list like so:

teamlist.add(new MCWarTeam(args[0], joinkey));

Now the objects in the list have no name, but can be referenced by using the list, right? Before I add a new element to the list, how can I check if an object with a certain attribute already exists? This is the constructor of the Objects:

public MCWarTeam(String teamname, String joinkey){
    this.teamname = teamname;
    this.joinkey = joinkey;

I want to check if there already is a team with the name teamname. Alternatively, is there a better way to store the Objects? Before, I just used a HashMap to add the teamname and joinkey and it worked just fine, but figured using Objects instead would be a better way to do it.

Here is the important code for the event handler:

        else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("createTeam")) {
        if (args.length > 0 && args.length < 3) {
            String joinkey = "";
            if (args.length > 1)
                joinkey = args[1];

            String teamname = args[0];

            MCWarTeam newTeam = new MCWarTeam(teamname, joinkey);
            if (!teamlist.containsKey(teamname)) {
                teamlist.put(teamname, newTeam);
                sender.sendMessage("Created new team \"" + teamname + "\" with join key \"" + joinkey + "\" successfully! Teams:");

                sender.sendMessage("All teams:");
                for (String key : teamlist.keySet()) {

            } else
                sender.sendMessage("Team already exists!");
            return true;
        return false;

    else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("joinTeam")) {
        if (args.length > 0 && args.length < 3) {
            String joinkey = "";
            if (args.length > 1)
                joinkey = args[1];

            String teamname = args[0];

            if (teamlist.containsKey(teamname)) {
                String teamKey = teamlist.get(teamname).getJoinKey();
                if (joinkey == teamKey) {
                    Bukkit.broadcastMessage("MCWar: " + playername + " joined Team \"" + teamname + "\" successfully!");
                } else
                    sender.sendMessage("Join key incorrect!");
            } else {
                sender.sendMessage("Team doesn't exist! Teams:");
                for (String key : teamlist.keySet()) {

            return true;
        return false;

Basically, if it returns false, the user will get a message explaining the correct usage of the command he entered.


Sergey Kalinichenko picture Sergey Kalinichenko · Oct 25, 2015

Java's List<T> has a boolean contains(Object) method, which is handy for situations when you wish to avoid duplicates:

if (!teamlist.contains(newTeam)) {

MCWarTeam class must implement equals in order for this to work. When you override equals, you must also override hashCode.

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof MCWarTeam))  {
        return false;
    MCWarTeam other = (MCWarTeam)obj;
    return teamname.equals(other.teamname)
        && joinkey.equals(other.joinkey);
public int hashCode() {
    return 31*teamname.hashCode()+joinkey.hashCode();

I'm just looking to check if an Object with the same teamname already exists, but not care about the joinkey?

If joinkey is not part of your object's state that influences equality, it is usually not a good idea to keep it as part of the object as a field. For example, if joinkey is something transient which you use to "connect" teams to other things, making a HashMap<String,MCWarTeam>, using joinkey as the key to the map, and removing joinkey from MCWarTeam should be a good idea.