Top "Build-settings" questions

How can I skip code signing for development builds in Xcode?

Whenever I build my Xcode project, after compiling all my code, it takes forever to finish "signing product." (I believe …

xcode macos code-signing codesign build-settings
Xcode build setting "Build Products Path" (CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR) is a lie?

If I create a new application project, the build settings look something like this: It claims to be using a …

ios xcode build-settings
How to delete user-defined build settings in Xcode 4.3.1

I have created several user-defined build settings in Xcode 4.3.1. I no longer need these settings and want to delete them, …

xcode build-settings
iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture

I have a problem :-( When I build my application for release XCode shows a warning saying: iPhone apps with …

xcode xcode4 warnings build-settings
iOS: Universal App - Release as iPhone only

A customer is interested in releasing a universal app. However, the first release will contain only the iPhone version, the …

iphone ios ipad universal-binary build-settings
Per configuration app group entitlement strings in Xcode?

Is there an easy way to have per-configuration app group entitlement strings in Xcode projects? We're trying to share settings …

ios xcode entitlements build-settings xcode-scheme
How to read current app version in Xcode 11 with script

Until Xcode 11, I used a script that reads the current app version (for the AppStore) and help me change the …

ios xcode sh build-settings xcode11
How do I configure full URLs in xcconfig files

I have an xcconfig file which contains a configuration for which server my app should hit. In debug mode, this …

ios iphone xcode build-settings xcconfig