Top "Build-settings" questions

iOS: Clarify different Search Paths

There are three different search paths in XCode Build Settings: Framework Search Path Header Search Path Library Search Path Could …

ios xcode ios-frameworks build-settings
What is the difference between -DNDEBUG and -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS flags

I've tried FauxPas source code analyzer and it showed me that I am missing -DNDEBUG flag, with next description: This …

objective-c xcode build-settings
Xcode does not generate dSYM file

In my iOS Project, I have set the Generate Debug Symbols to be Yes, but the .dYSM file is not …

ios xcode instruments build-settings
Is there a way to have a different Default.png (splash image) for different languages/locales in iOS?

Possible Duplicate: Localization of Default.png is not working My splash screen has English text in it, so I would …

ios localization splash-screen build-settings