iOS: Universal App - Release as iPhone only

Tomen picture Tomen · May 3, 2011 · Viewed 15.9k times · Source

A customer is interested in releasing a universal app. However, the first release will contain only the iPhone version, the second release will contain both versions.

I found a few links where ppl figured out how to make this work in the simulation environment. However, i could not find claims about apps that finally were released to the AppStore successfully. I need verification of this.

Do you have links of people claiming to have universal apps released for iphone only or did you do it yourself?


Mitesh Khatri picture Mitesh Khatri · May 3, 2011

In the application's Build Settings change the Targeted Device Family to iPhone, instead of iPhone/iPad.

Targeted Device Family

In the latest xcode you can do this by summary screen too.

enter image description here Thanks