Top "Bootstrap-modal" questions

Bootstrap provides a JavaScript-powered dialog element that can be used to replace native dialogs (to a degree); unlike native dialogs, Bootstrap modals cannot block the flow of execution.

conflict between SimpleModal and Bootstrap modal

I Have both these plugins included in same page which is causing conflict in-between them. I removed the Bootstrap.min.…

jquery twitter-bootstrap simplemodal bootstrap-modal twitter-bootstrap-2
Warning on modal close

On a page, I'm going to have a bootstrap modal with a form that will not be necessary to be …

modal-dialog warnings bootstrap-modal
ng2-bootstrap, call Modal defined in child component from parent compent

I am using ng2-bootstrap for the modal stuff. I am trying to separate my modals and my other components …

javascript typescript angular bootstrap-modal ng2-bootstrap
ngx-bootstrap modal - access data passed into modal via bsModalRef.content

I am using angular 4 and ngx-bootstrap to open modals. All is working well, and I implement modals via a component. …

angular bootstrap-modal ngx-bootstrap
ROR pass params to modal

I'm trying to open a modal that displays a list of items. The list of items is already available in …

ruby-on-rails parameters bootstrap-modal
Allowing user to change password with Devise - Rails 4

I'm setting up the last bit of devise and need to allow a user to change their password from their …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 devise bootstrap-modal
Angular(2/4) modalService.close() is not working

This is my code: import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';` constructor(private http: Http, private route: ActivatedRoute,private router: Router, …

angular bootstrap-modal viewchild
Chosen dropdown list not working with Modal

I am trying to get a jQuery Chosen select / dropdown list to work in a Bootbox modal. I have almost …

twitter-bootstrap drop-down-menu jquery-chosen bootstrap-modal bootbox
Expression has changed error on Opening a Modal Popup inside a component

I have a parent component and i am passing some HTML from it to a child common component using @ViewChild(). …

angular modal-dialog bootstrap-modal viewchild
catching dismiss event ngx-bootstrap modal

I'm using angular 6 and ngx-bootstrap 3.0.1 I display a modal and I want to be able to show a discard/cancel …

angular twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-modal ngx-bootstrap