Top "Bootstrap-modal" questions

Bootstrap provides a JavaScript-powered dialog element that can be used to replace native dialogs (to a degree); unlike native dialogs, Bootstrap modals cannot block the flow of execution.

JQuery click event not working in bootstrap modal

I have this line of code in my page: <div id='data'>...</div> <a id=…

javascript jquery bootstrap-modal
Twitter Bootstrap modal pushes html content to the left

If I open a modal dialog, through Twitter Bootstrap, I've noticed that it pushes all the html content of the …

jquery css twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog bootstrap-modal
Handle Bootstrap modal hide event in Vue JS

Is there a decent way in Vue (2) to handle a Bootstrap (3) modal hide-event? I found this as a JQuery way …

twitter-bootstrap-3 vue.js bootstrap-modal vuejs2
Bootstrap class "text-center" not working

<div class="input-group Flugo_group"> <h4 class="text-center">or</h4> </div> i …

css bootstrap-modal
ngx-bootstrap modal: How to get a return value from a modal?

In my Angular 4 app, let's assume that I'm inside a service. At some point, I want to ask the user …

angular modal-dialog bootstrap-modal ngx-bootstrap confirm-dialog
Open Bootstrap 4 Modal via JavaScript by clicking a link

I want to open a modal when I click on a link. Unfortunately I couldn't change the HTML of the …

javascript jquery html bootstrap-4 bootstrap-modal
AngularJS Modal Popup

I'm really new to Angular. I'm trying to recreate the modal sample at this link …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-modal
angular 4 with bootstrap 4 data-table

I need to use a table with angular 4 and bootstrap 4 but the bootstrap 4 official table is not looking too good. …

angular datatable bootstrap-modal bootstrap-4
Stop playing video in iframe when modal is closed

I have a play image with text 'Watch video', when clicked would open up a bootstrap modal window to play …

html video bootstrap-modal
How do I print the entire bootstrap modal where content in modal body is scrolled out of view

The problem is that the user has to scroll down to view all of the content within the modal body. …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap printing bootstrap-modal