Top "Confirm-dialog" questions

Confirm dialog box in angularjs

How can I apply confirm dialog box in below button in angularjs ? <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" ng-click="removeUser($…

javascript angularjs confirm-dialog
ngx-bootstrap modal: How to get a return value from a modal?

In my Angular 4 app, let's assume that I'm inside a service. At some point, I want to ask the user …

angular modal-dialog bootstrap-modal ngx-bootstrap confirm-dialog
Angular use modal dialog in canDeactivate Guard service for unsubmitted changes (Form dirty)

In my Angular 4 application I have some components with a form, like this: export class MyComponent implements OnInit, FormComponent { form: …

angular typescript ngx-bootstrap confirm-dialog angular-guards
JQuery confirmation dialog

I am looking for an way to implement a reusable "confirm" Dialog with JQuery.. This is the part from the …

jquery jquery-ui confirm-dialog