Top "Bootstrap-modal" questions

Bootstrap provides a JavaScript-powered dialog element that can be used to replace native dialogs (to a degree); unlike native dialogs, Bootstrap modals cannot block the flow of execution.

returning uibmodal result to parent controller

so here is my modal JS: The end goal of this piece of code is to print the object "submitVar" …

javascript angularjs bootstrap-modal
Angular Material table row (click) event triggered when clicking an action in a cell within that row

How can you trigger a modal with a button inside a mat-table without triggering the rows (click) event? I've seen …

angular angular-material bootstrap-modal angular-cdk onrowclick
Magento 2 Modal Widget

I am trying to use Magento 2 Modal Widget like below but it was not working. It is not showing any …

jquery modal-dialog bootstrap-modal simplemodal magento2.0.2
SweetAlert Prompt issue in bootstrap modal

I have been trying for more than two days to run SweetAlert prompt in a modal bootstrap without success, the …

twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-modal prompt sweetalert
Bootstrap: Modal shows even when button disabled

Dangerous! I've put a bootstrap-modal onto my page as a kind-of apply-remove dialog, and when the remove-button (not the one …

jquery twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog bootstrap-modal disabled-control
How to use sweetalert2 inside modal?

i am using sweetalert2, the latest version of sweetalert, how can i call sweetalert inside a model? the alert shows …

jquery bootstrap-modal sweetalert sweetalert2
Call a PHP function on a Bootstrap Modal using AJAX

I have a list of users echoed on my page using a PHP loop. When I click each user's name, …

javascript php twitter-bootstrap-3 bootstrap-modal
Autofocus Input Element on Modal Open Bootstrap 4

I am trying to autofocus input element on bootstrap 4 modal open . I have tried below code from…

input bootstrap-modal bootstrap-4 autofocus
Sweet alert dialog with spinner in AngularJs

I am trying to display a spinner in a sweet alert dialog something close to Bootstrap modal dialog (http://jsfiddle.…

javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-modal sweetalert
Uncaught Error: Unknown provider: $templateRequestProvider <- $templateRequest <- $modal

Hello Stackoverflowers ;) I struggle for a bit of time on this particular problem concerning the bootstrap.ui modal: Uncaught Error: …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-modal