Top "Disabled-control" questions

Disable submit button when form invalid with AngularJS

I have my form like this: <form name="myForm"> <input name="myText" type="text" ng-model="mytext" required /&…

forms angularjs button disabled-control
asp:TextBox ReadOnly=true or Enabled=false?

What's the difference between the Enabled and the ReadOnly-properties of an asp:TextBox control? textbox readonly disabled-control
Disable/Enable Submit Button until all forms have been filled

I want my form submit button to be disabled/enabled depending on if the form is completely filled. When the …

javascript forms submit disabled-control
Clicking a disabled input or button

Is it possible to click on a disabled button and provide some feedback to the user? HTML: <input type="…

javascript jquery disabled-control
Explicitly set disabled="false" in the HTML does not work

I would like to explicitly set a button as enabled in the html file. The reason is that my code …

html disabled-control
Text color of disabled control - how to change it

During the creation of my awesome Matching Game ;) I found a problem that is completely out of reach. When the …

c# .net winforms label disabled-control
Disable TabLayout

I'm using the new class provided by the design library : TabLayout. And I want in specific cases that the one …

android disabled-control android-tablayout
AngularJS ng-disabled not working with list items

I am facing a problem with disabling a item in the list. <div id="searchdropdown"> <ul> &…

javascript angularjs list disabled-control
how to disable a html button after it has been clicked not a submit button

hi i have a html button and when you press it, it should give you the distances of shops from …

html user-interface input disabled-control disabled-input
Can check-box be made as read only without disabling it?

I am having trouble trying to solve a problem. In my application I generate an text-input and checkbox-inputs and also …

jquery ajax post disabled-control