Top "Boolean" questions

A Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false.

True + True = 2. Elegantly perform boolean arithmetic?

I have nested lists of truth values representing SAT forumlas, like this: [[[0, True, False], [0, True, False], [0, True, 1]], [[0, True, True], [2, True, …

python boolean boolean-operations
Best way to handle persistent Boolean in plist?

What's the best way to handle Boolean values that derive from a UISwitch setting, and are stored in an NSMutableDictionary …

iphone objective-c boolean nsmutabledictionary nsnumber
How to use MySQL MATCH AGAINST IN BOOLEAN MODE to return results for at least 1 matching keyword inside a keywords string?

I have this query for searching database entries based on keywords entered on a search box. // function to get search …

php mysql boolean mode match-against
Boolean matrix multiplication algorithm

This is my first question on stackoverflow. I've been solving some exercises from "Algorithm design" by Goodrich, Tamassia. However, I'm …

algorithm matrix boolean sparse-matrix strassen
random BOOLs in an efficient way for cocos2d

According to Steffen's post this is an efficient way to generate random BOOLs in cocos2d +(BOOL) getYesOrNo { return (CCRANDOM_0_1() &…

objective-c cocos2d-iphone boolean arc4random
How to compare boolean vectors in R

I have a vector v and I want to find all those elements, that have values between 4 and 7. v = c(1:9) # …

r vector comparison boolean boolean-operations
One-byte bool. Why?

In C++, why does a bool require one byte to store true or false where just one bit is enough …

java c++ performance boolean primitive
What is performance-wise the best way to generate random bools?

I need to generate random Boolean values on a performance-critical path. The code which I wrote for this is std::…

c++ c++11 random boolean c++14
JQuery Typescript definitions using 'bool' instead of 'Boolean'

I got the "Definitely Typed" typescript definition file for JQuery and it uses bool instead of 'Boolean'. This is giving …

typescript boolean definitelytyped
Mapstruct mapping Boolean to String

I have several Boolean fields in my model class (source). The target field in my DTO class is String. I …

java string boolean mapping mapstruct