Top "Definitelytyped" questions

The DefinitelyTyped open source project adds TypeScript interfaces and definitions for users to compile against when using popular javascript libraries from their TypeScript code.

TypeScript getting error TS2304: cannot find name ' require'

I am trying to get my first TypeScript and DefinitelyTyped Node.js application up and running, and running into some …

node.js typescript definitelytyped
Error TS2322: Type 'Object[]' is not assignable to type '[Object]'

I have a code snippet like this: export class TagCloud { tags: [Tag]; locations: [Location]; constructor() { this.tags = new Array<…

typescript ecmascript-6 typescript-typings definitelytyped
Is there a way to "extract" the type of TypeScript interface property?

Let's suppose there's a typing file for library X which includes some interfaces. interface I1 { x: any; } interface I2 { y: { …

typescript typing definitelytyped
how to use @types/node in node application

I am working in VSCode on Ubuntu 16.04. I've created node project using below commads: npm init tsc --init I've created …

node.js typescript npm definitelytyped
Using getInitialProps in Next.js with TypeScript

From the documentation, Next.js 5.0 announcement and various articles around on the internet it seems like Next.js supports TypeScript …

typescript definitelytyped nextjs
Extend interface defined in .d.ts file

In my TypeScript project, I use DefinitelyTyped definitions for external js dependencies. Sometimes it might happen that these definitions are …

interface typescript extends definitelytyped
Group items in Typescript with lodash

I need to group a collection of objects by date: var meetings = [ {date:"2001-01-01 13:00", place:"park"}, {date:"2001-01-01 14:00", …

typescript lodash definitelytyped
How to install express in typings?

I am trying to use expressjs in my app. After installing it using typings install express --ambient --save, I run …

typescript definitelytyped tsd
How to use underscore lib from DefinitelyTyped with typescript?

DefinitelyTyped has provided a underscore declaration file, which defines a List interface, and used it heavily in the code. // Common …

typescript definitelytyped