Top "Definitelytyped" questions

The DefinitelyTyped open source project adds TypeScript interfaces and definitions for users to compile against when using popular javascript libraries from their TypeScript code.

How to install .d.ts file from github:DefinitelyTypes using typings

I used tsd which is now deprecated and am trying to use typings. The typings repository is very small, and …

typescript definitelytyped tsd
tsd: install local definition file

I have a local node package written in TypeScript, which I want to use in my actual project. Using npm, …

typescript definitelytyped tsd
How to create TypeScript definition file (d.ts) for umd library

I am working on the library surveyjs It uses gulp+webpack to build umd bundle. I want to create the …

typescript webpack definitelytyped umd
TypeScript type definition for promise.prototype.finally

I was using this ES6 Promise compatible finally implementation called promise.prototype.finally in a Node application that I want …

typescript es6-promise definitelytyped
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module '@types/lodash'

I'm stuck and looking for help. I'm not sure where the problem actually is but I hope to find the …

typescript webpack lodash definitelytyped
100+ errors in jQuery.d.ts since getting latest via nuget in MVC application

Ever since I updated to the latest jQuery.d.ts definition file, using the Visual Studio NuGet package manager, I …

jquery visual-studio-2013 definitelytyped
Relationship between the version of node.js and the version of @types/node

I'm just started using node and wanted to try it with typescript. I did an npm install @types/node and …

node.js typescript definitelytyped
How do I define a knockout binding handler in typescript?

I normally add custom knockout binding handlers in JavaScript via ko.bindingHandlers.myBindingHandler = {...} but now I have to add them …

knockout.js typescript definitelytyped
TypeScript - [Subsequent property declarations must have the same time] - Multiple references to the same type definitions

I'm rather new to using TypeScript and Webpack and unfortunately keep running into an issue with my type declarations that … typescript webpack definitelytyped
What is "DefinitelyTyped"?

I see "DefinitelyTyped" is something related to TypeScript/JavaScript development, but I couldn't understand its use or some code sample …

typescript typescript-typings definitelytyped