Top "Umd" questions

Universal Module Definition (UMD) is an API for JavaScript modules that are capable of working in browsers, on the server, or elsewhere.

How to bundle a library with webpack?

I want to create a frontend library. Therefore I want to use webpack. I especially like the css and image …

javascript webpack umd
How to export a class instance in Typescript

Im authoring a TS library, and would like to export an instance of a class, I intend for it be …

angular typescript umd
Webpack 4 universal library target

According to the Webpack 4 documentation, if I specify libraryTarget: 'umd' it should result in the following output: (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, …

javascript webpack bundler umd webpack-4
How to create TypeScript definition file (d.ts) for umd library

I am working on the library surveyjs It uses gulp+webpack to build umd bundle. I want to create the …

typescript webpack definitelytyped umd
How are UMD and CommonJS (CJS) package folders different, and which should I use?

I installed reactjs and react-dom like this with package.json "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "^v4.1.1", "popper.js": "^1.14.3", "react": "^v16.4.1", "react-dom": "^16.4.1" } It downloaded …

javascript npm commonjs umd
JQuery library module export

I am trying to understand how jQuery sets itself up. Right at the beginning jQuery automatically calls a function, which …

javascript jquery module umd