Top "Boolean" questions

A Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false.

h:selectOneMenu with boolean items doesn't work with null value

I'm working with JSF 2.0, JBoss 7.1.1 Final and I have following problem with selectOneMenu. I want to be able to set …

jsf-2 boolean el selectonemenu
What is "!!" in C?

I have encountered the following snippet: pt->aa[!!(ts->flags & MASK)] = -val; What does !! (double exclamation marks/ …

c gcc boolean boolean-expression
Boolean and Math Expression Parser

I am writing an application that allows a user to enter a boolean expression. I need the ability to evaluate …

.net compact-framework parsing boolean expression
Creating random Bool in Swift

I'm needing to create a random bool value in my game, in Swift. It's basically, if Yes (or 1), spawn one …

swift random swift2 boolean
How to set another value on a boolean with defaut value with Entity Framework Core?

I got quite the same problem in this question : How to override SQL Server default value constraint on a boolean …

c# sql-server boolean entity-framework-core default-constraint
Advanced Django Template Logic

I'm not sure if this is really easy and I just glanced over it in the documentation, or if this …

django templates django-templates boolean logic
Probability notation

I want to ask you about the notation in probability. I know that P(A | B) = the conditional probability that …

math boolean probability notation probability-theory
What does this boolean "(number & 1) == 0" mean?

On CodeReview I posted a working piece of code and asked for tips to improve it. One I got was …

java methods arraylist boolean int
What values should a boolean function in Perl return?

SHORT QUESTION What are the best ways to represent true and false consistently in libraries of Perl code? 1 / 0? 1 / the special …

perl boolean undef
In a multi-threaded C++ app, do I need a mutex to protect a simple boolean?

I have a multi-threaded C++ app which does 3D rendering with the OpenSceneGraph library. I'm planning to kick off OSG's …

c++ multithreading boolean mutex openscenegraph