Top "Boolean" questions

A Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false.

what is the correct way to check for False?

Which is better? (and why?) if somevalue == False: or if somevalue is False: Does your answer change if somevalue is …

python boolean boolean-expression
Javascript/Ember - Toggle Boolean Value of Variable

I know that there is the .set() method to set a boolean to true or false but I want to …

javascript html ember.js boolean toggle
Dynamically evaluating simple boolean logic in Python

I've got some dynamically-generated boolean logic expressions, like: (A or B) and (C or D) A or (A and B) …

python tree logic boolean boolean-logic

The hashCode() method of class Boolean is implemented like this: public int hashCode() { return value ? 1231 : 1237; } Why does it use 1231 and 1237? …

java boolean hashcode
Booleans have two possible values. Are there types that have three possible values?

Possible Duplicate: What's the best way to implement an 'enum' in Python? I’m writing a function that, ideally, I’…

python logic boolean
How to pass bool argument to fabric command

Currently I'm using fab -f func:"arg1","arg2"... to run fab remote. Now I need to send …

python boolean fabric
c++ convert class to boolean

With all of the fundamental types of C++, one can simply query: if(varname) and the type is converted to …

c++ boolean user-defined-types
XOR of three values

What is the simplest way to do a three-way exclusive OR? In other words, I have three values, and I …

language-agnostic logic boolean xor boolean-expression
Difference between BooleanClause.Occur.Must and BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD in lucene

Can anyone explain the difference between the BooleanClause.Occur.Must and BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD in lucene in BooleanQuery with an …

search lucene boolean
How to convert a pytorch tensor of ints to a tensor of booleans?

I would like to cast a tensor of ints to a tensor of booleans. Specifically I would like to be …

python casting boolean pytorch tensor