Top "Boolean" questions

A Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false.

Is using "is" to name Boolean variables bad practice?

Is naming Booleans that start with "is" bad practice now? My manager believes that "isAnything" is outdated and poor practice. …

variables boolean naming
bind_param problem with binding boolean values

I have a problem binding booleans using mysqli_stmt::bind_param in PHP5. The SQL query is the following: insert …

php mysqli boolean prepared-statement bindparam
Count occurences of True/False in column of dataframe

Is there a way to count the number of occurrences of boolean values in a column without having to loop …

python pandas boolean counter series
Printing boolean values True/False with the format() method in Python

I was trying to print a truth table for Boolean expressions. While doing this, I stumbled upon the following: >&…

python python-2.7 boolean string-formatting string.format
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'foo' not readable on type java.lang.Boolean

I have a class which looks something like this: public class ScoreDefinition { protected Boolean primary; public Boolean isPrimary() { return primary; } …

jsp boolean el propertynotfoundexception
Convert function with only AND Boolean operations

I have some function like (A and ( B or c)) or (D and E and (F or H or R …

boolean logic boolean-logic boolean-expression boolean-operations
Java, Return true if array contains duplicate values

I am trying to have a method (duplicates) return true if a given array called x (entered by user in …

java arrays sorting boolean jgrasp
What is the difference between "option" and "set CACHE BOOL" for a CMake variable?

Is there any difference between the following two? set(FOO true CACHE BOOL "description") option(FOO "description" ON) Documentation: set …

cmake boolean global-variables cmake-gui
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException when trying to resolve Boolean properties in EL

I have the following tree node class: public abstract class DocumentTreeNode extends TreeNodeImpl implements javax.swing.tree.TreeNode { private Boolean …

jsf boolean naming-conventions el propertynotfoundexception
Response.Redirect and thread was being aborted error?

I had this error Thread was being aborted., this afternoon in my error log. The code that caused this error … boolean redirect response.redirect