Babel (formerly 6to5) is a JavaScript compiler.
How to use Visual Studio code to lint JavaScript file based on babel/ES7 stage-0 rules? I only need to …
javascript babeljs visual-studio-code eslint ecmascript-7I upgraded babel 6.x → 7.x but having issues running Webpack. It is complaining about missing core-js/modules/*. My babel.config.…
babeljs webpack-4 babel-loader react-styleguidistI'm working with Babelify and Browserify. Also, I'm using ES6 style module features by node module system. I would like …
javascript node.js browserify ecmascript-6 babeljsMy node webpack project uses three babel libraries. What's the difference between these and how are they being used? "dependencies": { "…
babeljsI'm trying to incorporate Babel's transform-runtime to make my code compatible with IE9. But since integrating it, the code won't …
javascript webpack babeljsDev environment starts with this command: nodemon -w src --exec \"babel-node src --presets es2015,stage-0\" How do i create a …
javascript node.js babeljs nodemonRunning yeoman generator "Webapp", I'm getting an error when running gulp serve. Here are the following versions for a better …
gulp yeoman babeljsMaybe you may help me? I try to configure jest to use babel@7 So I have: "jest": "^23.4.1", "@babel/core": "^7.0.0-beta.54", "…
babeljs jestjs babel-jest babel-coreI'm pretty new to webpack and having some trouble configuring it to produce the necessary source maps. In the devtools …
webpack google-chrome-devtools babeljs source-maps