Babel (formerly 6to5) is a JavaScript compiler.
i am using sublime text 3 as my code editor,i have written a basic hello world example in React.but …
javascript reactjs sublimetext3 jsx babeljsI'm currently learning React and I think I understand it pretty well. However, there's one thing that's been bothering me …
javascript reactjs typescript babeljs flowtypeI'm getting this error after updating react-native to "^0.56.0": bundling failed: Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, …
react-native babeljs flowtype babel-preset-envThe example below is simplified. I have a getter method: class MyClass { constructor() {} get myMethod() { return true; } } which is processed …
ecmascript-6 sinon babeljs es6-classI have been trying to upgrade my packages and things have started to fall apart and I am now unable …
node.js npm webpack babeljs babel-loaderI need to exclude css files from the eslint parser. Currently when I run eslint src/** this is checking all …
reactjs eslint babeljs eslint-config-airbnbProblem: I want to build bundle files for a website for older browsers (>= IE10). My transpiled code throws errors …
javascript webpack node-modules babeljs babel-loaderSupport for the experimental syntax 'decorators-legacy' isn't currently enabled I tried adding the decorators-legacy babel plugin and @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators with { …
reactjs decorator babeljs create-react-app mobxIn my react project everything works fine on my vmware. But when I cloned the same app and ran gulp …
node.js reactjs gulp babeljs babel-loader