Babel (formerly 6to5) is a JavaScript compiler.
I have this code async function addFiles(dir,tree) { return (await readDir(dir)) .map(async (name) => {await readDir(dir); …
javascript async-await babeljs arrow-functionsI've been piecing together support for IE11 by adding plugins for transform-object-assign and array-includes and now I'm getting a symbol …
javascript gulp internet-explorer-11 babeljs polyfillsI am attempting to use the new babel release, and while trying to use the es2015 preset babel doesn't seem …
browserify babeljsI'm working on a npm package called foobar, locally, to allow me to make changes or modifications in real time …
javascript npm ecmascript-6 babeljs transpilerI have noticed a bit of switching between using const and import for referencing libraries in node.js applications using …
javascript node.js reactjs babeljs commonjsI'm trying to use gulp-babel so I can start writing some ES6 / ES2015 code inside of my ES5 app. var …
javascript gulp ecmascript-6 babeljs gulp-babelI have ES6 JavaScript code in my Vue components. In order to support IE 11 I need to convert it to …
laravel babeljs laravel-mixDo I really need Babel or other transpilers to use ES6 in React? I was looking at the chart https://…
javascript reactjs ecmascript-6 babeljs transpilerWe are in the midst of updating our API, and Henry Zhu from Babel alerted me to this preset called …
node.js jestjs babeljs babel-nodeI started to use Webpack for a student project, but I'm stuck configuring Webpack to include React and Babel. Here's …
reactjs webpack babeljs babel-polyfill