Top "Babel-node" questions

debugging in Visual Studio Code with babel-node

I'm using: VS Code v1.3.1 node v6.3.1 babel-node v6.11.4 Windows 10 I'm unable to get a stop at a breakpoint with …

visual-studio-code babel-node
Babel-node doesn't transform spread operator on preset env

I'm trying to use babel-node with nodemon for the hot-reloading. I've basically followed this repo. My dev script in package.…

javascript node.js babeljs babel-node
How to use babel-preset-env with Jest

We are in the midst of updating our API, and Henry Zhu from Babel alerted me to this preset called …

node.js jestjs babeljs babel-node
How to use babel-node with pm2

I want to manage my node process with pm2 package. If I don't have any es6 syntax in my code …

node.js pm2 babel-node babel-cli
Nodemon + babel restart the server multiple times

In my package.json I have a start-script which I'm using for my dev enviroment. It looks like this: "scripts": { "…

node.js babeljs nodemon babel-node
how to set nodejs command `--max-http-header-size` with `nodemon --exec "babel-node" .`

I am upgrading my nodejs version from 8 to 10. after upgraded, i can't run my application in any browsers right now. …

node.js nodemon babel-node
Running babel-node in visual studio code

Normally to start up via command line, I can type: babel-node server.js When I try to set this up …

node.js visual-studio-code babel-node