Top "Awt" questions

The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit.

Getting RGB value from under mouse cursor

I am trying to build a program that detects the color that is under the mouse cursor and then displays …

java swing awt cursor-position mixing
Interoperability between Graphics2D and GraphicsContext

I am working with a group that is looking to target a graphics renderer in Java. I am trying to …

java awt javafx-2 graphics2d
vlcj Full Screen video player

I have done a video player using vlcj library of vlc media player. Here is my code to do that.. …

java swing awt vlc vlcj when using java.awt.Robot class for screen capture in applet

I require to capture a web page screen to store it on client's machine whenever client clicks print screen button. …

java applet awt awtrobot accesscontrolexception
How To solve BoxLayout can't be shared error while setting it for JPanel?

I'm trying to setup Boxlayout of Jpanel inside another JPanel. But i can't figure out how to solve this error …

java swing exception awt boxlayout
How to create a BufferedImage from raw data

I'm trying to get a BufferedImage from raw samples, but I get exceptions about trying to read past the available …

java scala awt bufferedimage
Macro recorder/player

I am making a sort of Macro recorder/player I have done the player part with utils such as java.…

java io awt capture awtrobot
JTextArea on JPanel inside JScrollPane does not resize properly

I'd like to achieve the following: +------------------Other container(s)-----------------+ | +------JScrollPane (vertical)-------+ | | | JTextField | | | | Box.createRigidArea (vertical) | | | | JTextArea | | | | { etc.. any …

java swing awt jscrollpane jtextarea
Transfer cursor from one JTextField to another on Enter press?

I have one JTextField called Name and one JTextArea called Address. My requirement is when user has entered name in …

java swing focus awt focusmanager
Java headless bicubic image resize

I need to perform java image crop and resize without an X server. I tried several methods. the first method …

java image-processing awt headless