Top "Boxlayout" questions

BoxLayout is a Java Swing layout manager that allows multiple components to be laid out either vertically or horizontally.

error upon assigning Layout: BoxLayout can't be shared

I have this Java JFrame class, in which I want to use a boxlayout, but I get an error saying …

java swing layout boxlayout
java BoxLayout panel's alignment

I have browsed around and haven't found a solution that specifically tailors to my situation. I have a panel that …

java swing user-interface layout-manager boxlayout
How can I add a space in between two buttons in a boxLayout?

I have four buttons in a BoxLayout group. This is just a sample of two because it's all repeated code. …

java swing user-interface jbutton boxlayout
How to set component size inside container with BoxLayout

I'm facing a problem with using BoxLayout. In my example, I try to decrease the height of the text field …

java swing layout layout-manager boxlayout
How to make a JPanel expand to max width in another JPanel

I feel I need to rephrase the question a bit. Updated question below.

java swing jpanel layout-manager boxlayout
Please help me understanding BoxLayout alignment issues

I'm trying to create a very simple window using Java Layouts. I have got three elements to arrange: a button, …

java swing alignment boxlayout
Resize JButtons in a BoxLayout

I'm trying to make a simple menu for my game. I have 4 buttons in the center and I want to …

java swing jbutton boxlayout
Aligning JLabels in BoxLayout

I've been searching around for days trying to find the answer to this, and I can't find out what's wrong. …

java swing jlabel boxlayout
setAlignmentX(CENTER_ALIGNMENT) does not center boxLayout in JFrame

I want to keep my two JLabel text have Left alignment and at the same time place my boxLayout in …

java swing layout-manager boxlayout
How to make the vertical gap in a BoxLayout smaller?

I've got the following form which uses a vertical BoxLayout and FlowLayout JPanels for rows: How can I make the …

java swing user-interface layout-manager boxlayout