Top "Awt" questions

The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit.

Java - Filling a Custom Shape

I have created a custom shape, essentially it is a collection of four Arc2D objects. When these arcs are …

java swing awt graphics2d
How to count the number of lines in a JTextArea, including those caused by wrapping?

I have a JTextArea for which I have set word-wrap and wrap-style-word to true. I want to "pack" the JTextArea …

java textarea awt jtextarea
Robot class java , typing a string issue

I m using the following loop , but its only typing the first charecter and the rest as numbers, any idea ? …

java swing awt awtrobot
ActionListener for JLabel

I want to learn how to write an ActionListener for JLabel. I want to make a label that open a …

java swing awt jlabel actionlistener
java.awt.font letter spacing

Is it possible to increase letter spacing when using java.awt.font ? Something like this: Font font = new Font("serif", …

java fonts awt kerning
Add image to a java awt Canvas background

I am trying to add a background image to java awt canvas but still couldn't make it through. can any …

java image awt java-canvas
Java Glass pane

I have a problem. I want to ask you how can I implement GlassPane to paint on it. I mean, …

java swing awt glasspane
Make a program automatically add text fields in java

Maybe there is a similar question to this, but I couldn't find a one. Id like my program ( awt or …

java swing awt jtextfield
Java Buffer strategy learning

I'm learning to use bufferstrategy with canvas, I coded this class which is then added to a JFrame in another …

java canvas graphics awt bufferstrategy
Java GUI Rotation and Translation of Rectangle

I am trying to draw a rectangle in JPanel that would translate and then rotate itself to mimic the movement …

java swing rotation awt java-2d