Top "Jtextarea" questions

A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text.

Java :Add scroll into text area

How can i add the scroll bar to my text area. i have tried with this code but it's not …

java swing jpanel jscrollpane jtextarea
Add a new line to the end of a JtextArea

I have a text area with some text in it and I want to add some lines to it again, (…

java swing jtextarea
Java - checking if parseInt throws exception

I'm wondering how to do something only if Integer.parseInt(whatever) doesn't fail. More specifically I have a jTextArea of …

java string jtextarea parseint
How to set AUTO-SCROLLING of JTextArea in Java GUI?

I have embedded a JTextArea on a JScrollPane and am using that JTextArea for output. I want that whenever the …

java user-interface swing jscrollpane jtextarea
Centering Text in a JTextArea or JTextPane - Horizontal Text Alignment

Is there a way to create horizontally centered text for a JTextArea like with a JTextField? setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER); Is …

java swing jtextarea jtextpane
How to change text color in the JTextArea?

I need to know how to do this: Let's say: I have a code in the JTextArea like this: LOAD …

java swing colors jtextarea jtextcomponent
How to wrap text in a JTextArea

I have a JTextArea in Java. When I place a large amount of text in it, the text area provides …

java swing jtextarea word-wrap
How to clear JTextArea?

I'm trying to clear the JTextArea. Currently, I'm using jtextarea.setText(null); What is the difference if I use jtextarea.…

java swing jtextarea settext
How to add text to a textArea instead of replacing it

How can I add text to a JTextArea instead of replacing all of it? I know about setText(String) but …

java string swing jtextarea
How to redirect console content to a textArea in Java?

I'm trying to get the content of console in a textArea in java. For example if we have this code, …

java swing jtextarea