Top "Jtextarea" questions

A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text.

Size of Text Area in java

I am writing a code for basic GUI. There i need a Text Area. But i can not make the …

java swing jtextarea jcomponent preferredsize
How to use html tags in JTextArea

When I try to change color of a JTextArea using textArea.setText("<html> <font color=\"red\"> …

java html swing jtextarea jtextcomponent
Java JTextArea that auto-resizes and scrolls

I have a JTextArea in a JPanel. How can I have the JTextArea fill the whole JPanel and resize when …

java swing jpanel autoresize jtextarea
System.out.println to JTextArea

EDIT: I have edited the post to clarify my question, now I myself, have more understanding. I am essentially, as …

java swing user-interface jtextarea
JTextArea: how to wrap text by words, not characters?

I want to avoid an output like this: Here is some text t hat is being wrappe d by characters, …

java swing word-wrap jtextarea
How to set the orientation of JTextArea from right to left (inside JOptionPane)

I have JScrollPane with JTextArea inside it and I am trying to set the JTextArea's orientation from right to left …

java swing arabic jtextarea
Scroll down automatically JTextArea for show the last lines added

I have written a Java application that receives information from a server every 10 seconds. I am wanting to display this …

java swing user-interface scrollbar jtextarea
How to highlight a single word in a JTextArea

I want to read in text the user inputs and then highlight a specific word and return it to the …

java swing jtextarea swing-highlighter
JTextArea as console

I have posted two pieces of code below. Both codes work fine individually. Now, when I run the file Easy, …

java swing console console-application jtextarea
Java code to display lines number in jtextarea

I trying to write java code to pop up text area and if i add 9000 lines in jtextarea at right …

java swing jtextarea rowheader